This mesmerizing medium-weight damask is named for the Dutch fairytale “Esmoreit” (“The Carnation”), which later became a part of the Grimm pantheon. The story concerns a young prince who has the power to grant wishes, but is abducted by a nefarious cook. In order not to be discovered, the cook has the prince wish for a home and a little girl who can be his companion. Years go by and the two little kids grow into young adults, ultimately escaping the cook’s grasp by transforming him into a pink carnation and then reuniting with the royal family. The cook is returned to human form, executed by the king, and soon after the two young lovers marry and rule the kingdom together.This breathtaking pairing of raspberry fuchsia and a high-contrast bronzy-gold floral pattern is truly unforgettable and was designed with one objective in mind: to be noticed! The fabric has a 19” repeat and is 54” wide.